On today's episode of "What's happening on the Wizards team"...

T-Shirts: Click HERE for the order form.  We will be placing an order for student designed t-shirts and sweatshirts on Monday 12/7.  The order form is due Sunday 12/6 by the end of day.  Payments can be submitted on Monday.  Orders with no payment will not be included unless you indicate on the google form that you are requesting a scholarship t-shirt.  


We began our 5th grade study of fractions and this week worked on comparing fractions using benchmarks and modeling equivalent fractions on number lines and area models.  

Debunking Myths of the"First Thanksgiving"

We spent the few days before Thanksgiving break and this week debunking commonly held beliefs about the first Thanksgiving.  Ask your child what they learned about the true history of that day back in 1621 and the nature of the relationship between the Wampanoag and the European settlers.  

Language Arts

There is now a joke in my classroom... It's called "What's happening on today's episode of Mrs. Michael's classroom?" The kids have latched on to this comedic theme and we are having a lot of fun with it.  It arose from the fact that there is just so much going on in Language Arts class and Study Hall (and Social Studies)! Here are just a few projects that they have been working on in my class.  Feel free to ask your child to show you the resources for the things below on Google Classroom so that you can get a taste of what they are working on. 

  • Flocabulary: They started their new vocabulary program this week!  (Have them show you their video.)
  • Identity Adventure:  Lots of moving parts to this!  Ask to see Google Classroom. 
  • Empathy Novel & Reading Partnerships--Ask to see their project board on GC
  • Character Strengths 
    • As part of our identity work, the student did several activities related to their character strengths and their life goals.  They finished the sentence, "I want to be someone who..."  and added the character strengths they would need to achieve that goal.  These posters now adorn their brand new hallway hooks! 

Movie & Pajama Day 

The day before the Thanksgiving break we watched the movie Wonder which fit with our empathy novel theme.  Afterward, we held small discussion circles to process the connection between the themes in the movie and how we can apply those lessons to our own lives.  Our Wizards are VERY insightful!

Plus, even the stuffies wore masks!  

In the afternoon we played a teambuilding game called Giants, Wizards, and Elves that requires strong communication skills and flexibility! 

Solving the challenges of recess

Over the past weeks, we have been supporting our students as they work through some challenges at recess over picking teams, how to be a good sport, and what to do when things don't go the way they want them to.  Among other activities and discussions related to this topic, the Wizard students participated in a restorative circle that focuses on truly listening to what others have to say.  Every student has an opportunity to share or pass and to make sure we are all heard, you can only talk when you have the talking piece - teachers included.  

The following was this week's circle questions:

Opening Statement: Sometimes the greatest gift you can give another person is simply to include them.

Round 1: If you could play ANY game/activity at recess what would it be?

Round 2: What are some things that make recess fun?

Round 3: What are some things that do not make it fun?

Round 4: What is something that you can do to make it fun, kind, and respectful?

Closing: A quote from the character video you watched a few days ago- 

Watch your thoughts they become words

Watch your words they become actions 

Watch your actions they become habits 

Watch your habits they become you character 

Watch your character it becomes your destiny

-Frank Outlaw

Thank you for participating in this circle, have a fantastic day and we will see you all at recess later today!

The next day we revisited strategies to pick fair teams and the students came up with more equitable strategies. The true celebration happened when the kids came in from recess Friday afternoon and shared that recess went so much better!

--As you can see, never a dull moment!  
