For our upcoming week...

Greetings to our Wizard parents and guardians.  We want to take this opportunity to once again express our gratitude for your children.  They bring great joy to our days at CBMS.  Speaking of gratitude, we spent morning meetings this week looking at the science behind both gratitude and humor.  We try to incorporate both into our daily routines and so it was especially interesting to note the many health benefits of laughter and gratitude.  Ask your Wizard more about our discussions.

Walking Field Trip

We want to thank all of you who were able to donate to our Wizards food drive for the Waterbury Food Shelf.  We collected over 324 items.  On Tuesday 11/23, we will be packing up our backpacks and walking to the food shelf to deliver our donation.  Please remind your student to wear comfortable shoes and warm layers on Tuesday.  If possible, cleaned up or even nearly empty backpacks would be helpful too.  We will be departing school at 12:15 and anticipate being off campus a little over an hour.

We are super excited to announce that we are partnering with Up for Learning, a local non-profit whose work focuses on youth-adult partnerships.  You can click here to read more about Up for Learning's mission, vision, and core values.  Specifically, we have agreed to a year-long partnership called Cultivating Pathways to Sustainability.  The goal of CPS is to connect the promising efforts of Act 77 – personalized learning, flexible pathways to graduation – to that of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. School teams will link what is going on inside their classrooms to larger efforts underway, toward making a positive difference in the world.  You can read more about this program and the goals of our work this year by clicking here.  

The Up for Learning adult facilitators had their first meeting with us this past Tuesday.  

And it was Flannel Friday...lots of school spirit here on team Wizards.  
