Conferences are coming...

 My oh my how the weeks fly by! This week's first order of business is to inform you about our upcoming conferences.  These fall conferences will be more traditional parent-teacher conferences.  Your child can attend if you want them there. It is your family's preference.  We'll be sharing how your student's transition to middle school has gone so far along with what we are seeing in terms of strengths and areas for growth. Here is the link to sign up for a conference.  Please let us know in the notes section of the sign-up if you plan to meet with us in person or if you need a virtual conference. Thanks! 

Spirit Week

Wizards won the schoolwide Spirit Week competition this week! I think my favorite day was dress like your parent day...We had so much fun in class pretending to be our parents.  The kids are super creative and had me cracking up the whole day. 

Pajama Day

Team Color Day: HMM, I wonder what color we had...

Dress like your parent day: Nailed it

Geoffry with a "G" accidentally twinning it with Ms. Greenwood. 

The school nurse & her daughter Val 

Dress like your parent

Hat Day

Hat Day and then some:)

Fall Fun Day

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Fall Harvest Fun Day.  It was a huge success and a favorite Wizards tradition. The day began with a teambuilding pumpkin carving "contest."  The theme options for the pumpkin carvings were CBMS, Wizards, Community, or Belonging. The kids showed their creativity and teamwork ability. After a tasty outdoor team lunch, we played several relay races testing both our gross and fine motor skills.:) Ask your kids about the day and enjoy the pics! 


  1. Fabulous Fall Fun. Wow ! thanks for sharing Wizards !


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