Welcome to the 2024-2026 Wizards Team!


Hello Families,

Welcome to your very first blog post.  This blog is how we will keep you informed of all the things that Wizards are doing and learning. We'll keep you up to date on special events and inform you of the particulars of the standards and units we are teaching. Plus, we'll share TONS of pictures of the kids in action. We hope this blog helps you feel more connected to what is going on at school since we know some kids like to respond, "Nothing" when asked what they did at school that day. Well, we can assure you their day-to-day engagement is far from "nothing." They will be busy. There are lots of new opportunities for them here at CBMS. It's a big transition and we'll support them through it.  

You have likely already noticed that there are many emotions that come with the transition to middle school.  We know from experience that there is often excitement and worry in equal measure. Often they worry they won't know where to go because the building is new to them. Please reassure your child that there are tons of adults helping the 5th graders get to their homeroom classes that first day of school and beyond if needed.  We also walk them to all their off-team classes for at least the first week until they feel confident they know where they are going, which happens rather quickly. At the end of the first day of school, we see a huge shift from nervous to "that went really well!" 

Back to School Night: It was great to meet so many of you! There was lots of good energy in our space. We hope that the Scavenger Hunt allowed kiddos to become somewhat familiar with the space. A learning activity wrapped up in some fun.:) 

Daily Schedule: Here is a link to our schedule with some helpful notes. 

Registration Paperwork: Please make sure you fill out the district's online Registration paperwork as soon as possible. We use the PowerSchool system to communicate with you.  So any email addresses that you want to receive information at need to be included/updated in the registration process. When we email home about a child, all email addresses associated with the child will get our communication. This is particularly helpful when students go back and forth between two households. It keeps everyone in the loop. 

Field Trips: We also have a couple of field trips in the works for the beginning of the school year and the registration paperwork HAS to be completed in order for your child to attend any field trips. Thanks for taking the time to complete this online paperwork! We will send more information about the specific trip(s) once they're approved and we have all the details locked in.

Contacting Us:  At any point, if you have a question or a concern, please don't hesitate to contact us! Open communication between home and school enables us to best support your child. Email is the most efficient way to get a hold of us. Please allow 24 hours for any non-urgent responses. Our days are busy. We are with kids every day from 8:30 in the morning until 1:45 with the exception of lunch.  That often means email doesn't even get read by us until the afternoon. However, Melinda and I work very closely together so if you email both of us, expect a response from just one of us knowing that we've most likely discussed the issue before responding. If you need to change your child's end-of-day pick-up or after-school plans, that should ALWAYS be communicated with the front office.  The kids are off-team from 1:45 until dismissal so the office staff will find them and notify the student of the change. 

Tiffany Michael: tmichael@huusd.org

Melinda Anderman: manderman@huusd.org

Supplies: Here was our original welcome back letter that was sent out a couple of weeks ago. On it, you'll find some helpful information including our short supply list.:) 

We look forward to officially starting our journey with your children very soon!  We are going to have two great years to laugh, learn, and grow together.  For now, get outside and enjoy the weather. (I'm currently on my porch composing this to you and it is a BEAUTIFUL day!) 
