Greetings from the Wizards Team,
We are so proud of how students have been handling remote learning. We can tell that they gained a lot of important skills last spring such as independence, advocacy, and flexibility. We are so impressed by these 5th graders and look forward to seeing them in person this coming week.
A few important reminders
You might have already read in the Cougar Comments that gaitors and other neckwarmers are not acceptable facial coverings. Your student will be asked to put on a mask if they are not wearing an acceptable one. The nurse has provided us with two for each student or you can contact us if you need help getting masks. Thanks for keeping us all safe!
Please make sure your student has warm layers. This is super important as we hope to keep windows open and get outside frequently as the weather cools.
You will notice that snack time is built into our schedule. Students can bring a snack from home or eat a school-supplied FREE breakfast.
2-1-2 Schedule starts 9/21
Click here for our 2-1-2 schedule for both on-site days and Wednesdays.
By now many of you know that we are moving to our new schedule. Students will now be in school either both Monday and Tuesday or both Thursday and Friday. The students who are remote those days will be completing asynchronous/independent activities on Google Classroom. On Wednesdays you can expect school to begin at 9:00 and students will be expected to attend zoom meetings that day. An important note is that Mrs. Michael and Ms. Anderman are assigning independent work via both Math and LA Google Classrooms on the remote days. Students will have to email with questions but we will be busy teaching those days so we will not available like we have been. We will, however, make every effort to respond to their needs as soon as we are able.
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