We are the Changemakers!

It felt like a tropical vacation here at CBMS today.  Ok, at least we could dream.  We had a lot of school spirit, listened to steel drum music, told beach-related jokes, and dreamed of sunnier weather.  We had a lot of participation and look forward to next Friday's spirit day - twin or multiples day.


Our food drive was a phenomenal success!  On the Tuesday before the break, we split up the 230+ items into backpacks and then walked into town.  Having the students be able to hand-deliver the food to the food shelf was such a great way to bring meaningful closure to the food drive. 

Dani Kelhmann, director of the food shelf, shared some inspirational words about the positive impact our donated food will have on our local community.  

Language Arts/Humanities
Not only are the students learning informational reading skills, but they are also tackling climate change!  We've been reading various articles about the importance of trees, coral reefs, and the activists who are trying to be a part of the solution.  We analyzed carbon and climate data from NASA's Website so that we are informed of the dramatic changes that have occurred to our planet. The goal: be changemakers!  We have the power to make a difference in even the small choices we make each day. Ask your child what their goal to reduce their carbon footprint is.  If you are curious to learn more, have them show you the articles we read in class about how to reduce your carbon footprint.:) 

Cultivating Pathways to Sustainability

Our work with Up for Learning continues.  This week we began by exploring and brainstorming a list of basic human rights.  We were so impressed with the depth of empathy and compassion that our 6th graders have.  They came up with ideas ranging from the ability to pay house bills to healthcare to clean water.  It was a very in-depth list.  Next, we reviewed Wizard's interests around the global goals and choose our top 9 to learn more about.  Students were assigned goals and groups to create a graffiti wall.  Look for the finished products in our next post.:) 

Help your student remember to have school spirit.  Mark the following Fridays on your calendar!
