May update from the Wizards

 Field Trip to Audubon:

This Wednesday, May 24 will be our final field trip to the Audubon Center in Huntington.  We will depart school around 8:45 and return to campus around 2:00.  Please help your student to bring the following to school on Wednesday.

  • Shoes that can get wet (sneakers are fine)
  • Water bottle
  • Lunch if your student did not sign up for a bagged lunch from school
  • Rain jacket
  • Snack

Please be sure that your student arrived on time this Wednesday so that they don't miss our 8:45 departure.

Wizard Food Drive:

The Wizards have been working together to plan and run a food drive to help our local food shelf in Waterbury.  After reading The Benefits of Being an Octopus, our team brainstormed ways they might take what they learned in the book and use that knowledge to help others in need.  So much already has gone into planning the drive.  Here is some of what students have been doing to plan this drive:
  • Met with last year's Wizards to hear about their food drive
  • Listened to Sara Whitehair, the director of the Waterbury Area Food Shelf, when she visited our team to talk with us about the food shelf and answered important questions
  • Designed a competition among 5th and 6th grade homerooms to earn the most points
  • Wrote announcements to advertise the drive
  • Created posters to advertise the event
  • Collected and labeled boxes to put in homerooms
  • Presented in all of the participating homerooms to explain the food drive
Here is what the communications groups wrote to go in our morning announcements:

Fifth and sixth graders! GET READY! The food drive is starting TOMORROW! Be prepared to donate food! If you want to win an ice cream sandwich party, which is the prize!  Each homeroom will be competing for who can collect the most food for points. Each food has different amounts of points. All items are worth 1 point but needed items are worth 5 points. Just in case, these are the needed items:

Pasta sauce in a jar 

Soup (hearty kind)

Bags/Boxes of snacks

Granola bars





Ask your neighbors, friends, family to help your homeroom help others and win ice cream sandwiches.

Ice Cream Party

Your Wizard students rocked our testing.  They were serious, respectful, quiet, patient, and flexible.  We were so proud of their behavior during the 6 days of testing.  As a way to celebrate the end of testing, we enjoyed ice cream and capture the flag.  Thanks to all of you who donated items and volunteered to scoop ice cream.  It was a lot of well earned fun!
