We had a great last two days of school full of closure, reflections, and joy. We continued to practice skills like public speaking, treating each other with kindness, managing end-of-year emotions and behavior, etc. To that end, students choose a name out of a hat and were asked to create a paper plate award. On our last day of school, after our team breakfast, all students presented their awards to a classmate. You could feel the love!
Wizard Yearbook
The students created a Wizard Yearbook. Lots of great memories. Click here to enjoy or print.
Book Trailers
As part of building interest in books for our summer reading lists, students created book trailers for books they recently finished reading. Ms. Hill will be hosting these on the CBMS Library Website! Stay tuned for more information on that. If you would like to see the trailer your student made, have them show you by accessing it on Google Classroom. While watching the trailers, students added to their "To-Read" lists on the back of their summer bingo reading sheet. (Please dig this out of their backpacks and hang them on the fridge!) Our collective goal is to not lose any reading momentum that we gained this school year! Students set their own personal reading goals and made a plan for how to accomplish their goals. We even talked about what might get in the way of reading and made plans for that! In reality, if they shoot for 20-30 minutes a day they'll be in good shape come fall. Listening to books counts towards the bingo board too.
Math Fact Fluency
Learning both multiplication and division facts up through 12 is an important skill for students. Many 5th are still working on this skill. I encourage you to support and encourage your student to practice a few times a week. Students have been using a program called Math Fact Lab.
Username: first initial last name no space Ex: manderman
Password: first and last initial 2020 Ex: ma2030
Classcode: 135335
I would also encourage you to have your student work on 5th grade topics using Khan Academy. Students can log in using their HUUSD account.
And a big thank you and happy summer
We have had such a great year working and learning with your students. They have grown so much and it truly has been a joy to be a part of this. Wishing you all a wonderful summer ahead, maybe with a little reading and math included. ;)
See you in August,
Melinda & Tiffany
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