Lots o' learning! Lots o' pics!


Hello Families!

The learning is going strong on team Wizards! The kiddos are functioning like a well-oiled machine at this point. They've come so far in their two years with us. We'll be keeping up the learning and the expectations right up to the end of the year. Read on to see what they've been learning. 

Language Arts

For our final unit of the year, students are participating in historical fiction book groups. The topic is The Holocaust and WW2.  They are working on taking notes while reading so that they can drive their book group discussions which meet twice a week.  On Fridays, we are reading articles from a Scholastic magazine titled, The Holocaust Reader. As we read the factual information about this period in time students are making connections to their books and to other topics we have studied in history. The informational lessons help enhance their understanding of their books and the events that led to The Holocaust. I am very proud of the students.  Their engagement has been excellent. They are being critical readers and applying all the skills we've worked on for two years with great success. I keep telling them they are ready for 7th grade!  If they haven't mentioned their book to you, ask them about it. Ask them what's historically accurate so far in their book and what they are learning about this topic in general.  At this point, they've had me as a teacher long enough to know that many of the topics we study are meant to help us learn from the mistakes of the past and to do better.  

Social Studies

Currently, the Wizards are learning about the relevance of Ancient Greece and their contributions to our modern society. The day before our Spring Break the whole team participated in a team Olympics. It was a fun way to get outside and do something still connected to the curriculum the day before a vacation.  The events were the same as the 5 original events in Ancient Greece. If you didn't hear about it. Ask your kid what their favorite event was. 

The group that is in Social Studies now really went all out with their polis identity project. The students are placed into city-states for this unit and have to complete assignments, projects, and activities together. They are all in competition with the other city-states to see who will be victorious. Ask them about their polis chant and handshake. Needless to say, we're having a blast while learning during SS! 

Check out their "Drip."

Field Trip: Statehouse and VT History Museum

We had a successful trip! Ask your child what some of their highlights were from the trip, some things they learned, and what activities they did. Here's a bunch of pictures from the day that you can have them explain to you. 
