Welcome to 6th Grade!

Wizards 2021/2022

Welcome to the new school year.  Despite, once again, things not exactly as we were hoping, we are truly excited about teaching and learning with your children.  We both feel like we are in a great place to start a successful year ahead.  We appreciate that we have established relationships with most of our team and we look forward to building relationships with our new Wizards.  We also feel more at ease with dealing with Covid-19 safety guidelines and will do all we can to keep your children both physically and emotionally safe.  Your students have rocked the first two days of school.  Both of us have remarked that is like summer didn't happen.  Students have both remembered and followed routines and expectations from last June as if they never left!   We spent the first two days reinforcing our team with lots of activities that include building relationships and making connections.  Next week we will move into activities with the focus on team building and how we can build successful classrooms.  This includes understanding ourselves and our emotions.  We use the movie Inside Out as a way to support this learning.  The movie is a launching off point to a continued exploration of understanding ourselves.  

Below are some pictures of this amazing group of kids.

Students playing Dicebreakers

Students on the first day sharing about a symbol they choose to represent themselves

Our first trip back to the cafeteria.  We helped students find their assigned seats and they discussed expectations.

Students held a discussion and recorded their thinking around expectations we have for our outside snack time

We played Biggest Fan

Our students got to meet "Dr. Know-it-All" (Nurse Saunders, School Counselor - Jennie Hempey, Dan Hunter - Dean of Students and our administrators, Josh Estes and Tom Drake)

Students were able to ask Dr. Know-it-All questions.  


We are offering zoom conferences to any parents or guardians who are interested in connecting with us to share any updates, concerns, or who have questions about this year.  Please email one of us and we will find a time to meet.


A big component of our success this year will be continued communication.  We will do our best to keep you informed through our blog. Please reach out to either of us with any information, concerns, or questions.  We can be easily reached via email:

Tiffany Michael - tmichael@huusd.org

Melinda Anderman - manderman@huusd.org

Water bottles

Please have your students bring a water bottle to school each day. The water fountains are disabled again this year but they are able to use the bottle filling stations. Thanks! 
