A VERY HOT and BUSY week here on Wizards!

 As we like to say here on team Wizards, your kids keep spreading their "Wizard magic."  We have had an incredibly successful start to the school year.  Your kids have shined in so many areas including remembering and following our routines.  Even when we had a guest teacher, a fire drill, and the first school assembly, the Wizards exceeded our expectations and continued to be role models in our school.  Included in the post is some information about the upcoming Open House as well as some updates about happenings here on Wizards.

Reminder: Please return the AUA forms and dental forms that came home earlier this week. 

You are invited...

We strongly encourage you to come to our open house next Thursday.  There are 3 events happening at school that night.

 Wizard Open House:  From 5:30 - 6:30  this coming Thursday, you and your student are invited to join us at an open house to visit our classrooms, say hello to us, and see and hear about some of the work we've been doing on team so far this year.  This a flexible time for you to stop by before the rest of the evening's events.  Below you will see the information for the community dinner and event.  You need to pre-register for the dinner and can do so by scanning the code in the flyer below.  Flynn in the Field is a free event hosted by the Flynn theater and open to all community members.  We hope to see you for this night of community events!

The signing of our Wizards Constitution

We spent some time together as a team reviewing our Wizard values from last year.  We wanted to create a document that included our new students and staff and also recognized any changes that we wanted to include.  CBMS has adopted the values of being caring, curious, and connected so we did work around what those words look like in action as well as how they connect to our existing set of Wizard values.  After some very thoughtful and serious discussions, the team arrived at the final draft of our Wizard constitution that incorporates the CBMS values.  We all then signed the document showing their agreement. 

Special Events
Friday was our first school-wide assembly. Laurel and Ezrah did an excellent job representing Wizards during the Minute to Win It challenge. As a side note, when Ms. Durren asked students who have helped clean up their classroom since we don't currently have any night custodians to stand and be acknowledged,  our ENTIRE team was able to stand!  They all pitch in to keep our classrooms picked up and cared for. 

Language Arts/Current Events
This year we are getting a classroom magazine every other week. Students brought home the first issue in their Take Home Folders. The copy is theirs to keep. Ask them what topics interested them most in this week's issue. 

A reading celebration!!!
So 20 Wizards met or exceeded their summer reading goals!   Seven of these students went above and beyond by completing the Summer Book Bingo Challenge sheet that everyone brought home at the end of the school year. Those 7 had lunch and brownie sundaes with Ms. Michael during lunch on Friday to celebrate their reading success.  

Our current Social Emotional Learning focus is about how to make and keep friends. This week students learned about healthy communication in friendships. Ask them what the 5 components of a healthy relationship are and which one they value most. The chart is below if you're curious whether or not they remember them correctly. :)

Team Time
This week's challenge involved a little bit of ingenuity. Groups got ONE piece of construction paper and had to create the longest paper chain they could. As you can see the results were mixed. Ask your child what team-building skills their group did successfully during this activity. You can clearly see it in action. Engagement is always high during these activities! Would you believe that after ALL that paper, there wasn't a single scrap left on the floor after they all pitched in to clean up! PS- You can see all the finished chains during Open House which are hanging in Ms. Michael's room. 
